Thank you for your service!

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As per usual and that means for All your honest reporting over the Years, a hearty Thank You! Those of us who are able to read still appreciate the fu€king truth!

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In the 1980s there was a group known as the Lawndale Mens Club. It was a bunch of locals with a phone tree who'd show up in numbers and chase the corner boys away. In those pre-McDonald v Chicago days ownership of a sidearm was illegal or required membership in (and donation to) some Sheriff's association that handed out badges. Nevertheless these locals came armed. Any shootings would have been chalked up to gang on gang violence since the cops wouldn't have bothered to sort out the perps or would have looked the other way.

And it's this last that is important. If cops risk prison for shooting some 14 year old idiot in the dark, they'll continue to look the other way when locals handle matters themselves. Investigations won't link the radio traffic and the vigilante aftermath as you have. For what it's worth, the local who snuffed the two car thieves was apparently a good enough marksman to take out two with head shots. It'll be interesting to see if the other two show up again in reporting. Recall that the car owner said they'd all run away so this was a post-car break in killing. Cops didn't take the car owner into custody so must buy the "they all ran away" story. The two who weren't shot would have to plead to breaking and entering to ID the car owner, assuming he is the shooter. That seems unlikely though kids have a way of sharing their experience with peers so their identity might be known at some future time.

So let's say that happens and Kim Foxx gives them immunity. A jury might very well return a not guilty based on the same motivations that caused men in Lawndale to handle things when law enforcement didn't.

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The statistics from 2023 are very telling. The most telling is the fact that the shooters are only averaging a kill rate of 23%. This indicates they need more time on the range to up their accuracy or else pursue another career path. However, maybe the shooting percentage is also their IQ, 23%. That being said, the most glaring fact I get from the HeyJackass postings is that the voters of Chicage get what they vote for. My father lived in Chicago and never voted Democrat unitl he died.

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The average shot-to-kill ratio for Chicago is mid-to-upper teens. Low-to-mid 20s is running a bit hotter than average which some speculate might be due to the prevalence of switches throwing more spray and pray lead downrange.

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When you say Brandon is at 25%, is that for our national or local Brandon? They’re about the same...

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Local Brandon is at 28%. No idea where National Brandon is at, but probably around 128% according to the corporate press.

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