A " Mostly Peaceful " runoff...

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A vote for a CTU socialist is a vote for more of the same of the last 4 years with an Orwellian twist that might just make living/working here worse. Do not be surprised if taxpayers depart en masse, leaving this husk of a formerly great city to die.

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Johnson is racist. Hates white folks.

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...kinda like Lightfoot?

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The Black vote decides Chicago.. White folks don't matter.

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Vallas will have a difficult time bringing crime down to Rahm-era levels before Michael Brown and Ferguson, until Soros’ gift to Chicago, Gorilla Cookies, is thrown out on her mug.

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I typed Vallas

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If it was legal for me to vote in Chicago ,I would vote for Dallas ,it's the crime, stupid

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Both are commie scum so nothing will change. FJB 🖕🏻🇨🇳

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Eh that's slightly unfair. I'll take trickle down education over trickle up car-jackings any day of the week. Or the guy committed to stealing from me more slowly. But your choice in this town is Dem, Socialist, or Communist. There is no good good option.

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Common sense

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Chane the name to Chitroit.

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What it is?

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The fix is in again dammit.

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