How The Dead Voted
It has long been suspected that the dead vote in Chicago. While that may be no longer the case, there is a correlation between recent homicide victims and that precinct's preferred candidate.
An interesting correlation appears when taking the precinct map from last week’s election and overlaying it with our own 2020-2022 homicide map - the vast majority of 2,390 homicide recorded over the last three years occured in Johnson-preferred precincts.
Adobe Illustrator doesn’t have a handy count by homicide dot feature, so we had to manually eyeball it and figure around 250-300 homicides took place in Vallas-preferred precincts. That would leave the remaining ~2,100 homicides for Johnson’s precincts, or roughly 90% of the total.
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
-H. L. Mencken
From a pure violent crime point of view, it would seem that those precincts that are most afflicted with violent crime also prefer the candidates who are perceived to be the softest on crime. It’s not just Johnson, his South and West side precincts went for Lori in the general. Those same precincts easily reelected Kim Foxx in 2020 as well. On the flip side, many areas that are the least afflicted or “safe” went heavy for Vallas including the fire and cop-heavy far Northwest and Southwest sides.
We’ll leave the theories and reasonings as to why this is to the sociologists and you. If you have a theory on why this map looks like it does, leave it in the comments below.
We’re Trying Notes
By the way, we started taking Substack Notes for a test drive this week. It’s a lot like that other social network that’s headed up by that wealthy African American fellow.
If you’re not over there and prefer to be here instead, we’ll look to post similar content on both. Check it out.
Too easy? Probably.
We have four years to come up with something better as we expect the new mayor to be a walking and talking meme machine, but in the meantime, we had to start somewhere.
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. Our goal is to push out one long form post a week in addition to our regular stats focused posts. Thanks and remember “We don't want nobody nobody sent”.
The people have spoken! We like crime and we want more of it!
This happens when the government steps in to be a parent . Blame Lyndon b Johnson - welfare reform. He made it profitable to be single parent & have mucho babies. That now shoot up the hood.