May 4, 2023Liked by HeyJackass!

Call me Harsh , but it often seems like the Family of the victim are salivating at a potential paycheck via lawsuit.

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Well, Harsh: That’s a piece of shit thing to say. Would your family be upset if you were murdered for the crime of standing around with a legally-owned firearm in your community?

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Well, Doctor Lulz, my family would certainly not be surprised if their fellow family member ran from the police, hid, then ran at the police drawing and pointing a firearm at them. I’ve told them not to run from the police. It seems to go without saying that you don’t point a gun at the police either, but in your world, maybe this POS was deprived of that teaching. Upset? Yeah…for the family name attached to a POS who put the police officer into the position of shooting or going “home” in a hearse. I’m no expert, but it looks like a textbook shooting and it requires no audio.

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That cop had not reason to hassle that kid. Cops need to mind their own fucking business. Or do you not think the Constitution is worth defending? Remember: an infringement on one individual’s rights is an infringement on everyone’s rights.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023Liked by HeyJackass!

Another young life taken AGAIN by the streets. Mayor BLM Brandon would say "Silly Children"

We are going to see how this SOCIALIST runs a city that is already out of control.

I pray for all the men and women in CPD.

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By “the streets” you mean the Chicago Police Department?

I don’t see a good reason to run up in the guys who were just standing around socializing. The police report lists “other” as the reason they had contact with him. Call me an anarchist but I want the cops to fuck off and leave me alone unless there’s an actual reason to annoy me. “Other” is not a valid reason for the cops to look at me let alone shoot me.

Brandin ought to fire everyone involved with this and go after their pensions and all their assets. They should be so impoverished their children should be in foster care.

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You must be a fan of guns in the streets. In the hands of teens. Sure your name isn't DOCTOR PUTZ? Continue to be an Anti-Police person. Hope you never make a 911 call.

BLM Brandon is working on higher taxes. Enjoy that. Today we reached 1000 people shot in Shit-cago. Be safe everyone.

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May 4, 2023Liked by HeyJackass!

Looks like a good shoot. Guess the new orders they'll come out with will only allow you to shoot if fired upon. They'll say, you have a vest to protect you. Thus , can take incoming gunfire before returning fire.

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Clearly a clean shoot. The family is trying to win the ghetto lottery, which BLM BJ will gladly do for them.

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Darn didn’t work. It was a picture of probable #1 pick of Blackhawks, Conor Bedard, saying, “Honestly, I just hope I don’t get shot”.

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Rationale for murdering someone: “other.”

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If police say STOP! THEN STOP. What was he doing with an uncased gun on the streets anyway? He got what he needed to prevent him from killing someone.

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What was he doing? None of your, mine, or CPD’s business. This is a free country. Or it used to be. Until over-reaching statists decided to limit everyone’s ability to do anything.

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