Jan 3Liked by HeyJackass!

Young black men (15-34) are 2% of the population and commit half of the nation’s homicides. A rate fifty times higher than the average American. Most of their victims are other black men. They are the country’s gun violence problem and until that problem is addressed there will be no peace on our streets.

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Jan 3Liked by HeyJackass!

I will go with your shot estimates but will go with 875 biting the dust. Reason being they are getting more AR and AK high capacity firearms which should increase their kill percentage. However, maybe even that may not be enough to get them out of the sorry 20% +_ accuracy of the past. I think Brandon should put target practice classes into the schools. That would be the only thing learned in the sorry school system.

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Jan 3Liked by HeyJackass!

I'm going to go with 640. I figure some economic slowing this year with more unemployment. I figure a 10% raise in fatalities. Figure an increase of 30% in shootings.

This is without Black Swan events.

By the way, Cameron County, Texas Police Departments are hiring! Take your kids down to Palm Tree country, without State Income Taxes and with, I believe, lower property taxes! Get rid of your snowblower! House prices are so low you can cry! And the local grocery stores sell USDA PRIME Ribeye!

The Local State University, UTRGV, has a new Med School, so your kids can get locally educated all the way through, and UT Austin is in the top 20 law schools in the Country! Elon Musk's Space X is an easy drive from Brownsville! Research and Blue Collar jobs are booming, and we also have cheap gas prices! Brownsville has a violent crimes rate about 20% of Chicago's, and we vote GOP and love our cops!

God Bless the CPD! Perhaps the toughest policing job in the USA!

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Jan 3Liked by HeyJackass!

I’m going to have to speculate on a death count of 776 standing from the 3963 people that are going to be shot in Chicago in 2024! Your stats are typically spot on, but having lived in Streeterville and the Gold Coast for the past 30 years (and thus witnessing the huge decline in safety in both neighborhoods in just these past 3 years) my opinion is fairly consistent with what you’re already predicting. Happy New Year! Just keep your flack jacket on and your own weapons drawn for self defense, anytime you need to venture out to the grocery store.

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Jan 4Liked by HeyJackass!

I used to use your stats daily in my sociology classes and I would let the students guess. But I’m retired now so I guess I’m on my own. I’ll go with this: 721 killed, 2,877 wounded. As you said, an election year and if Trump gets in again, heads will explode, both figuratively and literally. Happy 2024!

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Jan 3Liked by HeyJackass!

Sir as per always and forever, your statistics and innovative correlation is outstanding. City council should have you on permanent staff, like a basketball team has a score keeper! Much respect!!!!

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620 homicides 2350 wounded with reductions of 10% in robberies and vehicular crime

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New trend, murders are almost executions right now…..single murders in cars vs drive by shooting. Could be weather, but I believe the gangs bolstered with new immigrant members, and New Mexican gangs, are organizing, training, building weapon reserves for a big offensive this summer. Pray I’m wrong.

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In 2023 team Garfield Park got out of the gates slow and spotted a three month lead to teams Austin and Englewood. 2024 has started with warmer temperatures and no snow so I’m predicting Garfield Park will get outdoors and off to a fast start to finish for the win with Austin as Place and Englewood spraying lead every which way for Show.

Your rounds detected chart shows Englewood at over 1800 rounds fired which is double of Garfield Park and less human victims. There must not be a rat or pigeon left alive in the neighborhood with all the poorly aimed lead flying around. It’s really just “ pest control “ in Englewood after all and not violence.

Then the Democrat convention comes to town so I’m predicting an increase of police presence for the cameras which will decrease the increase for a grand total of 3000 receptions and 750 touchdowns

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